Wyoming Public School

Opportunity, Achievement, Community

Telephone02 4325 2181


Other programs

Crunch & Sip

Crunch & Sip is a set break to eat fresh fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Everyday at 10:00am the school bell rings to signal the Crunch & Sip break has begun. Students 're-fuel' with one serving of fruit or vegetables during the break to assist their physical and mental performance and concentration in the classroom. Students are encouraged to bring in fruit or vegetables that are quick and easy to eat. Pre-cutting or peeling is helpful especially for younger students. Students can also have a drink of water from the bubbler or their drink bottle at this time.

Books In Homes Australia - 'Empowering Kids, Literally'

Our school is very proud to be part of this wonderful program which gives each of our students 9 new books every year.

Every student chooses their own books from a selection of 48 titles provided by Scholastic Australia. Each child selects 3 books in Terms 1, 2 and 4 to add to their ‘home library'.

Our ‘Book Giving Assemblies' are always great fun with lots of enthusiastic, smiling and happily reading kids. To make it even more memorable for our students, special guest authors, sports people, illustrators and community leaders attend our assembly to speak with students and present the books.

We certainly hope that the 'Books In Homes' program continues to prosper as our whole school community think this program is wonderful!