One Giant Leap
This mural for Wyoming Public School is a representation of both the Aboriginal history and culture of the area and the school’s history with its foundation year (1969) coinciding with the Apollo 11 moon landing.
The mural runs in a timeline from left to right.
It includes the traditional local landscape. The blue represents the creek and the green represents the rainforest.
The spiritually – important Red Bellied Black Snake is seen in the sky, but as it moves through time it grounds itself and re-emerges as a physical animal. This is saying that although time has changed, those beliefs in the form of that snake are still here.
In the middle, in the night sky, sits the Great Emu. The Emu in the sky is something that spans across the country, and has great importance to Aboriginal culture and customs – assisting with agriculture, navigation, ceremonies and survival.
Footsteps move across the brown land, showing man’s journey, then they leave the ground, indicating the first efforts of flight; they go higher and higher to the moon.
In 1969, Apollo 11’s lunar lander made it to the moon’s surface, and Wyoming Public School opened. The 3 men on that mission – Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin plus often forgotten – Michael Collins, along with John Glenn (first astronaut in space) became the names of the sport houses.
The “U” shapes are traditional symbols for people.
There are 3 of them on the moon, even though only 2 actually set foot on it, it took all 3 to make that happen. The 3 together represents the mission as a whole and the equal importance of all involved. There is a 4th “U” orbiting the moon, acknowledging those who helped get there.
This is about history, progress, respecting and learning from those who’ve walked before you, and the importance of everyone’s contributions in achievement.
Neil Armstrong’s words “One small step …” acknowledges that each step you take is important.
It really was one giant leap for mankind.
Created by Garry Purchase
One Giant Leap